Sunday, May 1, 2011

Garden Work and Farmer trainings

Lot of work has been going down with my Ag duties as well. Below is my garden with Turnip, squash,cucumber, and okra.There are peanut shells on all the beds to help conserve water. Along the fence I had green pepper. While I was out of town for three days they mysteriously died. My family just really doesn't see the value of a variety of veggies in a garden. That just means I have more work to do.Next week Ill start a new nursery and should have all the beds and pepper border replanted. Sheep and chicken have become my mortal enemies.

This week we trained 4 new farmers in our techniques which they will use at their farms and share the knowledge with the locals. It is part of our master farmer program. This is them getting dirty and learning a zy hole like method. They seemed to be really promising guys. Hopefully we can get them set up before the rains come!

 Master Farmers aren't the only ones who have to do trainings. This is the sus ag sector reviewing the techniques we had learned earlier to refresh our memories, share our success and failures,and ask any questions that we have come up with. This took place in Kolda which is in the south of the country. There are a lot more trees there and big ol' termite mounds! I was able to give a talk about insecticide use and I was reminded how amazing bugs really are :)

This is one of the smaller termite mounds

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