Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You ate what?!

The title implies another story of me eating an animal we do not consider edible at home. However, I had my thanksgiving dinner in Dakar at the home of the new Senegalese American Ambassadors. Yea. It was so nice. As volunteers we rarely take off our sandals and put on our classy attire. Some of us actually don't have any. There was a lot of borrowing and sharing going on before the day was over! The food was AMAZING! There was everything Thanksgiving should have. The pumkin pie, the turkey, the dressing (which I didn't get any of....), and the mashed potatoes. There were also many non-traditional dishes that volunteers put together. Just by looking at some of the food you could tell it was made by a PCV and not one of the Expats or PC staff. I personally made fruit salad and brought it in tupperware. Sorry mom, I tried to be classy it just didn't work out. The food did get eaten though!! A favorite moment of the night was seeing a fellow PCV bringing over a plate full of chocolate cake, various pies, and excessive amounts of whipped cream. Classic. Another volunteer was talented at the piano and even busted out the mario brothers :) The party was nice but being the youngsters we are we had to go out for more! Karoke! I think that's how you spell it. If not let me explain. In front of a bunch of people me and new friend Lisa belted out Whitney Houstons' "I'm Every Woman". It was a great night. After all the festivities were over we slept in and took our time getting to the Artisinal Festival. There were many hand made super awesome things there. All very authentically made in Senegal. Yes family I got you stuff! There was jewelry, wooden carvings and masks, baskets, purses, and even clothing. One volunteers tailor was there to make sure it really was the perfect fit. Dakar was great but travel is always rough, so on the way home I took a pit stop in Kaolack. Then I found it time to go back to my meager little hut and chow on millet :)

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