Friday, January 14, 2011

Oh yea, I'm in Africa

So I spent the holidays traveling. I went to a friend's village for Christmas and we had an exquisite lunch at a campemant. Campemants are like hotels with swimming pools which usually cater to French or Europeans who come here to hunt. We had the whole place to ourselves though :) For New Years I went to Pompenguine. Its an area on the West Coast that is absolutely beautiful. It was the first time I didn't stay up until midnight. I fell asleep on the patio listening to the waves. Peaceful. The last couple weeks I have been working at site getting my cool season garden plans ready and visiting my Master Farmer. A Master Farmer is a person who has expressed interest in learning new techniques and is willing to teach them to others in the community.Mine is a woman who doesn't like to get  dirty....a major source of frustration. The other day I was biking through the bush,which is very sandy and not fun a t all, I looked around and was like oh yea I'm in Africa. I wonder what books and movies I had seen before I came here and I want to look again to compare what I now call home. I'm going to try to stay at site for the next month solid so that I can get a lot of work done in my community. That's why the last three days have been spent shopping in Kaolack for hut repair and garden materials. There was a monster rat in my room the other day he dug a hole into the cement under my dresser. Gross!! Well I better get some work done on the pest manual I'mmaking. Educating farmers about pesticide use has gone to near the top of my list. Below is a picture of a Baobob tree between two of my friends sites....I thought it had some interesting qualities ;)