Islam is a time demanding religion which affects how day to day life operates. It dictates what they wear, what they eat, when they eat, when they pray, and how they interact. They are required to pray five times a day. Their god is incorporated into daily greetings and everything they do. Currently, Ramadan just ended on so some members of my family didn’t eat all day until 7 pm and then had bread and tea and a normal dinner late around 9:30. It is rude to eat or drink in front of fasting people. Sometimes pregnant women fast thought hey know they risk losing their baby because they don’t want to make up fasting later when other people aren’t fasting. Fasting probably originated because this is the hungry season and people don’t have much food anyway.
In this society men are clearly held as more important than women. Only men can lead prayer. Men are allowed under the rules of this religion to have multiple wives. My father apparently has another wife in Dakar . It is a big thing to talk and joke about marriage last night my father asked me if I wanted to be his third wife. I laughed and didn’t really give an answer it’s just entertainment to them. In my friends family her sister in law is always asking her if she wants to be her “wujj”, her husbands other wife.
There are buildings here called mosques. They are like churches with loud speakers on top that men get on and sing horribly and remind people to pray. If you live near one of these you probably don’t get much sleep. People must occasionally go here for some prayers which they cannot lead themselves. In mosques you will find important men in the community. These are maribouts and Imans or something that sounds like that. These men can hold a lot of power in the community and direct peoples lives and decisions. Imans can also make herbal remedies for sick people. Little boys are sent to live with these men to learn the Koran and are often forced to beg on the street to earn some of their keep. These boys are called Talibes.
I’m not interested in religion so this isn’t that great of an account of what it means to them. I think the important thing to note is that here everyone follows a religion involving the Christian god and they don’t understand that some people don’t believe in god. Religion is universal and broadcast on TV, there are people in the
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